Gala Journal AdvertisingPlace an ad in the afternoon's program. It's a great way to salute a family member, friend, teammate, coach, rival or business associate on their special occasion. Proceeds also support the Hall of Fame and its activities.
Rates are $200 for the back cover; $175 for either the inside front or back cover; $150 for a full page; $75 for a half page; and $25 for a booster bold-face name. Pay online on the left or mail a check. Please be sure to promptly send the message and any artwork that you wish to appear. The deadline is May 9. Name: ____________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________________ Message: ________________________________________________________ Payment enclosed: $_____________ Make checks payable to Rockland County T&F Hall of Fame and mail to: Jamie Kempton 55 W. Prospect St. Nanuet, NY 10954 |